Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Contextually Relevant Ads from Google AdSense that made me click

Today I found an ad that I readily clicked. This is an ad about weekend trip to Lonavala. Such a relevant ad and such great timing. I clicked on the ad, and it actually kept it's word of the pricing at Rs. 3568. Good job Google AdSense!

Following is the contextual ad. I did a little a little more digging, and found 2 more interesting things:
  • Google AdSense click URL shows up in Chrome (on mouseover), that doesn't show up in any other browser - kind of cool
  • Google AdSense URL is now pointing to http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ , while earlier it used to point to http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ . Interesting. Obvious integration with DoubleClick; but is that some kind of 'lead generation' ?
Following is the contextual ad.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:17 PM  

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