Sunday, April 17, 2011

More depth with smaller ISO in DSLR photography

I did some comparative experimentation of ISO 100 to ISO 200 in daylight photography. I think I can see clear difference between the pictures. Much of this may already be documented, but this is what I found first hand experimentation - at ISO 100 I can see - a) more depth, b) more clarity - a much better picture. ISO 200 gave me - a) a flatter picture, therefore lesser depth, b) less clarity.

See for yourself.

ISO 100

ISO 200


Anonymous Ravi Ranjan said...

Thats right. Lower ISO gets you better quality, tradeoff is the longer shutter requirements. For daylight, I always prefer lowest ISO. I bump up ISO either during low light or kids in action. Good part with DSLR is that even higher ISOs gets decent pictures compared to last generation cameras.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Pranav said...

I can't quite spot the difference between the two images, except that the 200 one is very slightly more exposed than the 100 one. Apart from that I could not find any difference. Would be glad to know if I'm missing anything from the image though.
ISO does make a difference, but mainly, only in low light images and especially in dark parts thereof. Essentially, when SNR drops and shot noise becomes appreciable.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous used dell desktops said...

Thanks for the question Sandra. You’re right about the soft blurry backgrounds in portraits – in most cases they are a great way to highlight your main subject and get rid of any distractions in the background.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lower iso surely gives good quality(high SNR!), but better depth? Keepping aperture fixed, and changing shutter speed as you change ISO, should produce exact same effects(except for noise aspects). Did you mean something else by 'depth'?

9:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Anonymous - by depth I mean the ISO 100 picture looks much "flatter" to me. I have done multiple experiments and found the same results. The flatness may be due to the flatness-of-colors and less sharpness at ISO 200. Just an observation.

Thanks for the comments,

10:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for your comments Ravi Ranjan!


10:49 AM  

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