Great startup advice from Ben Horowitz
Ben Horowitz gave some great advice today at the 'Geeks vs BizDev in startups' event at Mountain View. I followed it on twitter and have curated the best quotes. Here you go, read them slow :) .
"At a startup you only feel two emotions: fear and euphoria. @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"If takes longer to argue then build it, just build it" #geeksvsuits
If you don't know what you want it is very unlikely you will get it - @bhorowitz. #geeksvsuits
"If the idea is a big enough breakthrough, it will attract world-class people" @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"Monetization is a byproduct of creating something that has value for a lot of people" -@bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"The one thing you can't learn in business school is management" @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"Trust and communication are equivalent." @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits "If your commutations are breaking start by building trust."
Build a diverse team that argues, trusts each other, and share the same language | Manish Patel from @HighlandCapital #geeksvsuits
Entrepreneur: "Our company is going to stay 15 people forever." @bhorowitz: "Oh, so you're planning to fail." #geeksvsuits
The culture of a winning startup: You win or you die. -@bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"I'd rather be right than consistent" @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"My mother always told me if you ask for a million dollars, be sure to wear a suit." --Ben Horowitz #GeeksVSuits
"You've got to think about why your 20th employee would join your company." @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
Name me a successful company that has outsourced engineering. - None, that was a trick question! @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
Non-technical founders fail if they don't realize the nature of the tech business and innovate continuously @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
The best technology doesn't always win but the technology that wins is always the best. @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"I'd never do a startup after Amazon.I visited my 3rd grade class: it was nice but I'm not going back" @bhorowitz quoting Bezos #geeksvsuits
"Part of figuring out the product/market fit is selling your product. Especially in the enterprise market." @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"The idea of outsourcing engineering was conceived by someone who just doesn't understand." ~ @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"The main mistake technical founders make is thinking Sales and Marketing is easy and unnecessary. They're wrong." @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"the next Facebook or Google is going to start off looking like a toy" - Elad Gil #geeksvsuits
Mistake of 90s was thinking product doesn't matter, mistake of 2000s is product is all that matters -@bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
You want people who are ambitious for the company, not for themselves. ~ @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"I don't think I would do a PhD now because it's four years of not doing anything interesting." - @eladgil #startupeducation #geeksvsuits
"Early Twitter went for years without needing anybody who wasn't an engineer." ~ @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits
"FB has 2000 salespeople." @bhorowitz #geeksvsuits