Ning is Cool!
They have made an excellent UI, fully features, perhaps too much for a starter, but great set of features. Sigining up is easy, setting up a social network is easy. I setup one myself ( Ning did go down for several hours yesterday, so I have interrupted while I was entering data. Ning remembered my settings :-)
I got a couple of errors when I tested it with FF today:
on page
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /apps/9/04D/04F/socialnetworkmain/widgets/index/controllers/AdminController.php on line 72
I logged in to change my network settings in FF, and got a somewhat weird screen, with text overlapping ads. I have posted this screen here (I have blurred part of the text). Also on FF, there was no submit button at the end of the settings page, so I shifted to IE7.
One suggestion to Ning team will be to go little slow on placing Ads; give the site some time to let networks do contextual analysis on the page.
Labels: ning