Following are my top 15 posts on
Twitter last week. Check them out:
Komli is Red Herring's top 100 Asian promising startups for 2008.Red Herring Asia 100 recognizes the 100 “Most Promising” Asian Companies Driving the Future of Technology. Red Herring announced that 27 out of the 100 winners of the Red Herring 100 Award are from India. This is quite a high number given that China, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia were some of the other countries that were in the list as well.
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here. is an amazing website that checks your phone bill and recommends the best mobile plan based on ur usage. Check it out
here. lets users view streets with driving like experiences, share them, find & explore favorite is a new
startup from Pune that let users view the streets with driving like experiences and can also let them share, find and explore their favorite places online. One thing to clear here in this application is that it has nothing to do with Google maps or its API support. Its completed independent application.
Check it out
Indian Media Takes To TwitterFollowing the siege in Mumbai which brought the
Twitter and
its usage by citizens to share and spread information into the limelight, media publications including
Mint and
DNA have signed up for Twitter. While media publications on Twitter are not new -
New York Times,
The Economist and the
Wall Street Journal have their own twitter feeds.
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Almost No Web Users Would Pay To Remove AdsWhen we asked consumers if they would pay $39.99 a year, which comes out to less than $4 a month, for an ad-free version of one of their favorite sites, only 2.4% said definitely yes, they would be likely to do so. And only 3.5% said they'd be very likely. In fact, 84% of the people said they'd be unlikely or not at all likely.
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10 of the Most Fuel-Efficient Cars in the United States. Read more
Top 10 Tips To Get Your Startup Noticed. Simple, easy and cheap ways of marketing your startup. Read more
Performance of multi-core machines would level off or even decline beyond 8 cores,due to limited memory bandwidth
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Why Auto-Scaling In the Cloud could be a Bad Idea? Read more
Will VC's become irrelevant - totally Awesome Post by Paul GrahamVC funding will probably dry up somewhat during the present recession, like it usually does in bad times. But this time the result may be different. This time the number of new startups may not decrease. And that could be dangerous for VCs.
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"No evidence from last 10 years that users want Indian languages" says Ajit Balakrishnan, CEO
Rediff has email in 11 languages, and 99% of the users prefer to use email in English. One of the issues is that “practically all of the 300 million young people who aspire to something in this country aspire to learn English.” Therefore “Let us not assume that users want Indian languages.”
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BlackBerry Storm, by far the worst product Research in Motion has ever produced". Read more
Are rounded corners going away? - "Square is the new round."Google Reader changed their UI - out with the old rounded corners, drop shadows and heavily saturated colors -- in with a softer palette, faster components and a fresh new look.
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Google Apps SLA redefines downtime - “Downtime Period” means a period of ten CONSECUTIVE minutes of Downtime
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New Android Phone Debuts, Looks Like a Blackberry. Comes unlocked at $256 US; looks pretty COOL
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Firefox malware collects logins & passwords of banking sites, forwarding that information to a server in Russia. Read more
Web Scrapers win hundreds of auctions at eBay Holiday Contest at $1 . Read more
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Labels: mukul, mukulneetika, news, posts, twitter